Arlington Forest
Arlington, Virginia

The Arlington Forester
The Arlington Forest Citizens Association has the distinction of having published an outstanding news bulletin for longer than any other civic association in Arlington County. The distinctive Arlington Forester masthead, showing the stores and trees in the shopping center, at Arlington Boulevard and North Park Drive, was designed in 1948 by Forester Tom Cullen (Southside). This design with only minor changes is still being used nearly 60 years later.
The Arlington Forester is the Arlington Forest newsletter. The print version will be distributed door-to-door eight months a year in September to November and January to May. It is also available online in PDF format.
The Arlington Forester welcomes your articles, news notes and letters which should focus on events or issues specific to our neighborhood and should not exceed 400 words. We also welcome photos accompanied by an explanatory caption. Please e-mail submissions to Deadlines vary with the date of the month’s AFCA meeting. Space fills up fast, so e-mail the editor in advance if you plan to submit a photo or long article. Submissions are subject to editing.
Editor's Note
Hutch Brown

Layout & Design
Leo Horwitz
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